Winding down, down ,down….
It appears to me to have been a particularly busy year and am feeling in need of a mighty big rest but there are still some shows to enter before the end of the year, some framing to finish up, paintings to be collected from couriers and some openings to attend!
The plein air challenge I participated in concluded on Sunday. I didn't manage to paint every day but did complete 18. Following are this weeks' effort.
'Across Cornwallis'
'On the Rise' 'South to Penrith'
'Bills' Sheds'
Managed to complete just one watercolour demonstration this week. My students chose the subject from my pictures and then freaked out…..still they did do some great work!
'Back Canal, Venice'
Coming up this weekend is the re-opening of the Von Dorff Art Gallery at
380 Rocky Point Rd, Ramsgate. I have a few works hanging. The fun starts at around midday, all welcome!
Also this weekend I have works at Purple Noon for their Christmas Exhibition.
November was a particularly busy month with open studio weekends, teaching commitments and the plein air challenge along with all the normal things an artist needs to do but entwined with this we have been renovating and glamping on our deck (for the last 3 months) but I am pleased to say the work is nearing completion!
'Living on the Deck' it's really been pretty good, I have a barbecue, coffee machine & couch, what more does one need!
So, as life returns to some semblance of normality in our household I am looking forward to getting stuck into some serious painting!
Coming up Blacktown City Art Prize
Happy painting